
Dockrey Apartments

Property Rules

All Dockrey Apartments properties are subject to the following landlord's rules

All regulation definitions and interpretation of the following and all Federal Provincial and Local Laws Bylaws and Regulations are confirmed.

The intent of all Dockrey Apartments documents is not discriminatory. At all times, any word, phrase, mode of speech, which may be
considered specific or exclusive is to be read and interpreted as neutral or inclusive.
Definitions: for the purpose of these rules, the lease, and all tenancies


  1. The breach of any property rule by any tenant resident or guest, shall unless immediately rectified, be grounds to issue RTA.10(7A) (five day notice to quit) to the responsible tenant.
    1. Any subsequent breach by any tenant resident or guest of any rule shall be grounds to issue RTA.10(7A) to the responsible tenant.
  2. Tenants are responsible, and liable, for the conduct and actions of all residents and guests.
    1. Guests have no implicit right to enter, or remain in, the property and must leave if asked by the landlord or his agent.
  3. No smoking.
    1. Smoking includes Vapour products and marijuana products.
    2. Smoking is prohibited within any building or structure and within four meters of any doorway or window.
      1. Distance is measured only as a horizontal radius.
  4. Fireworks are prohibited
  5. Indoor Plants are prohibited
  6. Marijuana Plants are prohibited
  7. Live Christmas trees are prohibited
  8. No tenant resident or guest may make, or cause any person to make, any alteration to the property.
    1. Rule above includes using any fastening to hang any article on any wall ceiling floor or fixture, painting any wall floor ceiling or fixture and any sticker appliqué transfer tape or binding
  9. No tenant resident or guest may remove, alter, or tamper, with any electrical circuit, wiring, switch or control. Save for resetting of circuit breakers or fuses within the individual fuse box for each unit:
    1. Rule above prohibits the use of any: power board; multi plug; adaptor; extension cord, or device that adds to, or alters in any way the electrical system of the unit
    2. Rule above requires all fuses be 15amp fuses except those specifically applied to: Stove, HWS, and Dryer
    3. Rule above excludes setting of apartment thermostats within their range of adjustment,
    4. Rule above includes tampering with thermostats to alter their range of adjustment.
  10. No tenant resident or guest may enter or open, or attempt to enter or open, any furnace, boiler, oil tank room, electrical panel, telecommunications service panel or any other building service without written permission of the landlord or his agent.
  11. No tenant resident or guest may remove any safety equipment from the property.
    1. No tenant resident or guest may use safety equipment for any purpose other than its designated purpose.
    2. Rule above requires any tenant resident or guest who uses, expends or otherwise renders inoperative any safety equipment inform the landlord within twenty-four hours, of the use of the equipment.
  12. Waterbeds are not permitted.
  13. No tenant resident or guest may run inside any building.
  14. No tenant resident or guest may leave any item in any public area.
  15. No tenant resident or guest may represent themselves as the agent of the landlord.
  16. No Tenant or Resident may sublet, take roommates, boarders, share accommodation or add persons to the tenancy without written permission of the landlord
    1. Fees and charges determined solely by the landlord, and outside of the residential lease for the premises for the expense of unauthorised persons shall be indisputable and payable by the responsible tenant.
    2. All prospective residents must complete the landlord's application form and satisfy the landlord's selection criteria. The safety amenity and comfort of all residents depends on the choice of resident.
    3. Rule above allows, newborn, adopted, and other dependent minor children becoming resident during the tenancy be added to the tenancy immediately on notification, and no penalty shall apply if notification to the landlord is delayed.
    4. Rule above, requires adult children of residents wishing to move into the property complete the landlord's application form and satisfy the landlord's selection criteria, as any other adult.
    5. Rule above requires unauthorised persons living in the apartment vacate immediately on order of the landlord or his agent, and a bond preventing any further entry shall be sought and enforced against the offender
  17. No tenant resident or guest may use the premises, any part of the premises or any provided service to commit any offence or unlawful act, or to cause harm to any person.
    1. Copyright breach is deemed to cause harm to the copyright holder
  18. No tenant resident or guest shall behave in a manner to cause fear or apprehension to any other tenant resident or guest.
    1. Report of domestic violence DVIA is deemed to have caused fear or apprehension.
  19. No open flames anywhere within the property
    1. No campfire, candle, chimenea, firepit, incense, oil burner, open fire, outdoor fireplace, smudge, tea light, or any source of open flame is permitted
  20. Swimming pools, wading pools, paddling pools, splash pads, and similar are prohibited. Special permission of the landlord may be asked. If permission is granted the permission is for a single season only and the swimming pool must be dismantled by 1 October each year
    1. The landord grant of permission, does not grant planning permission required for a swimming pool, the tenant must obtain and provide proof of planning permission prior to installing any swimming pool
    2. Any permitted swimming pool may only be filled by water trucked to the premises at the tenant’s expense, well or town water property supplies may not be used
    3. Any permitted swimming pool must be securely fenced with a self latching gate; a “pool fence” as defined below, or by any statute, enactment, or bylaw, whichever is most restrictive.
      Defining a pool fence:
      1. All swimming pools shall be completely separated from adjacent properties, and adjacent parts of the subject property, by an obstruction such as a fence, building, deck or similar structure.
      2. The enclosure shall be constructed to prevent unauthorized access by providing a vertical obstruction having a minimum height of five feet with no opening exceeding four inches in width and no member shall be constructed to facilitate climbing.
      3. Except from within a building, all openings into a pool area enclosure shall be equipped with gates having self closing, self latching, child resistant, mechanisms.
      Defining a pool fence: All swimming pools shall be completely separated from adjacent properties, and adjacent parts of the subject property, by an obstruction such as a fence, building, deck or similar structure. The enclosure shall be constructed to prevent unauthorized access by providing a vertical obstruction having a minimum height of five feet with no opening exceeding four inches in width and no member shall be constructed to facilitate climbing. Except from within a building, all openings into a pool area enclosure shall be equipped with gates having self closing, self latching, child resistant, mechanisms.
  21. Trampolines, are prohibited


  1. No motor vehicle may be driven anywhere on the property except paved or gravelled driveways.
  2. No bicycles may be stored, left, parked in public areas of the property.
  3. No tenant resident or guest may park, stand, wait or otherwise block any fire lane or doorway access with any motor vehicle, vehicle, or device
  4. All motor vehicles to enter the property must be currently registered insured and inspected.
  5. Derelict vehicles will be removed and may be disposed of without notice, to recover the expense of removal.
    1. Where the disposal of the derelict vehicle does not cover the expense of removal of the derelict vehicle the landlord retains the right to recompense of costs, including but not limited to withholding the damage deposit.
    2. Monies beyond removal and disposal costs of derelict vehicle may be placed in trust with the Director of Residential Tenancies to be claimed by the former owner of the derelict vehicle .
  6. No Off Road Vehicle may be operated or parked on the property by any tenant, resident or guest.
    1. Rule above excludes storing the Off Road Vehicle entirely within a shed or garage
    2. Off Road Vehicles will be removed and may be disposed of without notice, to recover the expense of removal.
    3. Where the disposal of the Off Road Vehicle does not cover the expense of removal of the Off Road Vehicle the landlord retains the right to recompense of costs, including but not limited to withholding the damage deposit.
    4. Monies beyond the removal and disposal costs of Off Road Vehicle may be placed in trust with the Director of Residential Tenancies to be claimed by the former owner of the Off Road Vehicle.
  7. No commercial vehicle may enter the property without the permission of the landlord or his agent
    1. Commercial vehicles operated by trades services and contractors engaged by the landlord or his agent, statutory bodies going about their statutory business, and trades and services necessary to the operation of the property have the implicit permission of the landlord
    2. Permitted commercial vehicles are required to comply with all rules
    3. Commercial vehicles property of legal tenants have implicit permission to park on the property, and may not engage in any commercial activity while on the property
  8. No tenant resident or guest may perform any work, service, or repair to any motor vehicle, or other vehicle anywhere within the property.


  1. The keeping of any pet(s) must comply with rules.
  2. No tenant or resident may obtain any pet without written consent of the landlord or his agent.
    1. Only those pets referred to in the lease or supplemental clause to the lease may be resident at any time.
    2. No non-resident pet may be brought to the property by any tenant resident or guest
    3. The landlord has absolute discretion to approve or disapprove any application for residence of any animal
    4. The landlord retains the right, and the tenant acknowledges the right of the landlord, to remove or order to be removed any resident animal at any time
    5. Registered Service dogs are exempted from certain rules.. Proof of registration is required.
    6. Registered Service dogs are exempted from certain rules Proof of registration is required
  3. At all times pets must be kept entirely within the apartment in secure and healthy conditions appropriate to species.
  4. Pets taken outside the unit, apartment, or home, for play or exercise must be kept under effective control.
  5. Residents with pets are responsible forr damage caused to landlord property by the pet, determined solely by the landlord.
  6. No venomous animal of any kind may be kept as pet by any tenant or resident or brought to the property by any tenant resident or guest
  7. No noxious animal of any kind may be kept as pet by any tenant or resident or brought to the property by any tenant resident or guest. Noxious is determined solely by the landlord.
  8. No insect or arachnid may be kept as pet by any tenant or resident or brought to the property by any tenant resident or guest
  9. No Fish or other aquatic animal may be kept as pet by any tenant or resident or brought to the property by any tenant resident or guest
  10. No Rabbit or Hare may be kept as pet by any tenant or resident or brought to the property by any tenant resident or guest.
  11. Rodents are permitted as pets with conditions.
    1. Each unit may keep guinea pig(s) or hamster(s) or gerbil(s), entirely within a tank or enclosure designed for the keeping of rodents.
    2. No other Rodent may be kept as a pet
  12. Dogs are permitted as pet with conditions,
    1. All dogs must be spayed or neutered and written proof provided to the landlord. Veterinary ear tattoo, neuter symbol, is accepted
    2. The tenant shall keep the dog on leash or long lead, or otherwise under control at all times outside of the apartment.
    3. Dogs may not at any time be off leash in public areas of the building or within 12 meters of any doorway.
    4. The tenant shall pooper scoop, or remove faecal matter immediately on deposition
  13. Cats are permitted as pet, with conditions.
    1. Cats must be kept entirely inside the unit, house, or apartment, and be litter box trained
    2. All cats must be neutered or spayed and written proof provided to the landlord. Veterinary ear tattoo, neuter symbol, is accepted.
  14. Non-venomous reptiles are permitted with conditions.
    1. Each apartment may keep non-venomous reptiles entirely within a tank or enclosure designed for the keeping of reptiles.
  15. Birds are permitted as pets with conditions.
    1. Each apartment may keep up to two caged birds entirely within a cage or cages designed for the keeping of birds.


  1. No Tenant resident or guest may use any Dockrey Apartments property for any commercial purpose, business or employment.
  2. Removals trucks are not necessary vehicles and do not have implicit permission to enter the property.
    1. Permission must be sought from the landlord or his agent and scheduled around the normal operations of other residents.
    2. Permission will not be capriciously withheld.
    3. Access for any moving is restricted to lawful daylight hours.
    4. At all times removal trucks must comply with all rules.
    Permission must be sought from the landlord or his agent and scheduled around the normal operations of other residents. Permission will not be capriciously withheld. Access for any moving is restricted to lawful daylight hours. At all times removal trucks must comply with all rules.
  3. Tenants and Residents must remove their clothes from washers & dryers at the completion of cycle, for the convenience of other residents.
    1. Where a tenant or resident finds clothes completed in the washer or dryer they may with due care be removed and placed on the laundry table.
  4. Tenants and Residents must correctly place trash, recyclable & compostable waste in the correct receptacles, in clear bags.
  5. Tenants and Residents shall not have lawn, porch, or street parties anywhere on the property without written permission of the landlord.
  6. Tenants Residents or guests may not make loud noise after 10pm or before 9am
    1. For the purpose of rule above noise is "loud" if any tenant or resident makes any complaint or otherwise requests the noise cease or be diminished
  7. Tenants, residents, and guests, may not install any window mounted air conditioner
  8. Tenants and Residents must inform the landlord of any item fixture or fitting that requires repair immediately they become aware of the need of repair.
    1. Tenants and Residents must make all attempt to reduce the severity and extent of any damage or breakdown requiring repair.
  9. The landlord or his agent shall acknowledge repair requests, and repair health and safety issues immediately.
    1. Repairs not related to health and safety shall be repaired as soon as possible within normal business practice.
    2. No responsibility can be taken for delays, in the acquisition of replacement parts or by the trades necessary to complete repairs, beyond the landlord's control.

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