
Dockrey Apartments

Tenancy application
Intended to be filled and submitted
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Tenancy application 9810
Date Requested:
: Requested To:  
applicants can select any future dates.
If accepted, the lease will begin, on the first day of a month, and end on the last day of a month.
the default date is the first day of next month for three months
Applicant legal name:
This email address will be used for all email communication between landlord and tenant
Birth Date:
Persons signing a contract must be 19 in NS. Confirm age to lawfully complete contract
Tenant Phone :
  Cell :
or, Driver License:
S.I.N., License, or other government issued PhotoID must be provided, and will be verified before the lease is signed
Smoker ?:
Smoking is prohibited in all Dockrey Apartments properties : Smokers may only smoke outside and away from doors or windows
All pets:

Dockrey apartments do not refuse tenants for the animal they have : Dockrey Apartments will terminate the lease if a recognised dangerous breed is not disclosed
Other Persons:
No person may reside in the property without written consent of the landlord
Current Address:
Postal code:

Time at this address:
Y:  M:
landlord phone:

Reason for leaving :
Next Of Kin:
NOK Email:
NOK Address:
NOK Phone:
Employer Company Name:
  Other income :
Job type:
| | | |
Time at this Job:
Y:   M:
Position Held:
Company Phone:
Contact person:
References: 4-◔1 relative strength : business : ◕ community : ◑ family : ◔ personal friends :
Name :
phone :
relationship :
Name :
Phone :
relationship :
Name :
Phone :
relationship :
Comments :
Residential Tenancies Act:
RTA rta
standard lease:
lease lease
property rules:
Rules rules
tenant insurance:
insurance ins
  1. the tenant will obtain and provide proof of tenant insurance for the premises within 5 days of the signing of the lease.
  2. Tenant insurance shall include the landlord as a Named person to be informed on policy cancellation.
  3. The tenant agrees
    1. Failure to provide tenant insurance is a danger to the property of the landlord and other residents
    2. If the tenant fails to provide proof of insurance, lapses or cancels insurance at any time,
      1. the tenant accepts responsibility and liability for all damages to the premises howsoever caused
      2. the landlord may terminate the lease with five days notice to quit for the risk to the property at any time.
The applicant represents that the information provided in this application is true and correct.:
By submitting this application the applicant gives irrevocable consent for Dockrey Apartments or their agent(s) to :
:obtain consumer credit report about them :
:contact previous landlords to obtain information about previous tenancies :
:contact agencies that provide landlord information :
:contact references :
:take any other steps reasonably necessary :
:–to assess this Rental Application or :
:–for any renewal or :
:–for any associated tenancy issue :
:including disclosure of information from this rental application or arising from any tenancy to a database of tenant information :
:The applicant offers to lease from Dockrey Apartments the property referred to above :
:The applicant confirms agreement with all conditions of Dockrey Apartments application form, the property rules and standard form of lease:
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