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Things You Should Not Flush Down The Toilet
Baby Wipes
frequent cause of clogs and should always be thrown out in a wastebasket instead. even "flushable" wipes don't disintegrate the way toilet paper does, which will eventually cause plumbing issues.
Bleach might be a part of your regular toilet cleaning routine, but bleach is actually too harsh a chemical for your toilet and septic system, you can get the stains in your toilet out by using vinegar instead.
Cigarette Butts
contain toxic chemicals, flushing cigarettes down the drain adds those chemicals to the water. Not to mention, it's a huge waste of water when you can simply throw them out properly. And, cigarette butts also cause clogs
Cooking Grease
You shouldn't pour cooking grease down the drain, it should make sense that the same goes for your toilet. Cooking grease congeals when it cools, it'll do the same in your pipes
not designed to break down in water, flushing them will cause clogs in toilets and septic tanks
Dental Floss
can clog your pipes, it can also cause environmental damage, floss basically turns into a net when flushed, catching and holding onto other debris — it can even wrap around parts of your septic system and burn out the motor.
You shouldn't even be able to flush a diaper, but on the off-chance that you can and do, it'll expand and get caught in your pipes. That's what diaper pails are for!
people flush pet fish when they die, but this is actually not a good idea — they don't break down in water, flushing a fish or anything like it down the toilet can cause a clog. Stick to a proper burial instead
food that hasn't been digested will cause problems for your plumbing. Sure, it's biodegradable and will break down eventually, but it will clog until that happens
doesn't break down in water, either. Plus, it's sticky and can adhere to the inside of your pipes and cause a clog. always throw gum out in the waste basket
forms a sort of net when you flush it and gets caught on basically everything — plus, it floats, and never dissolves in water no matter how long it's in there
Kitty Litter
may claim to be flushable, but toilets don't use enough water to move the litter along your pipes — and all it does is add more things to the water that make it harder to purify. Cat waste from the litter box should also not be flushed, because the litter dehydrates the waste and toilets are meant to flush water soluble waste.
don't flush them — toilet water doesn't break them down properly, medication causes toxic environmental effects
Menstrual Products
should never be flushed down the toilet. Because they're products that are meant to absorb water, not break down in it, they only expand when you flush them — and that's no good for your plumbing.
Paper Towels & Tissues
aren't all that different from toilet paper, but they're not designed to break down the way toilet paper does. In the event that you need to use paper towels or tissues in place of toilet paper for any reason, put them in a wastebasket instead.
Q-Tips & Cotton Pads
definitely not safe to flush — they don't break down the way toilet paper (even cotton toilet paper) does, they clump together in your pipes and cause problems.
when plumbers are called for any of the above, it is expensive
school closures : NS 511 : NS Provincial plow tracker : How the roads are cleared and salted :
Standards for snow removal
- 100 Series, trunk highways, and other high traffic roads
- cleared within 8 hours after snow stops
- Secondary roads, and other medium traffic roads
- cleared within 12 hours after snow stops
- Local paved roads, most subdivisions, and residential streets
- cleared within 24 hours after snow stops
- Gravel roads
- cleared within 24 hours after snow stops
Not appropriate to telephone the landlord while still snowing to demand snow plows
Provincial plow trackers
Garden season
Get your vege patch in a community garden, even if you cannot have a vege patch at home
Electricity is supplied by Nova Scotia Power
: NSPower recommend requesting power connection or disconnection 10 days prior to the moving date, to allow them time to schedule and complete the work.
When requesting a connection ensure the main switch is off, so that stoves, machinery, or other electric devices don't start as soon as the power is turned on and cause a fire. NS Power will not turn on the power unless the main is turned off, and check the breakers from the meter.
Current conditions, rates, fees, and charges, are available on the web and by telephone. Contact Nova Scotia Power at their web site or Telephone 800 428 6230
Dockrey Apartments properties are cabled for
Eastlink Telephone, and Digital Cable, HiSpeed Internet.
Contact Eastlink for connection at their website or telephone 888 345 1111 Eastlink TV Guide
aliant Telephone, and Digital Cable, HiSpeed Internet (see note:1)
Contact aliant for connection at their website or telephone 800 688 9811. Aliant TV Guide
note:1 aliant FibreOp may not be available at all properties. Enquire at aliant for the address
There are bundles for connection to more than one service, and special offers, from all service providers.
Tenants must seek written permission of the landlord to make any alteration or addition to cable wiring.
Tenants signed appendix which includes "the tenant may not make any hole in any wall floor ceiling or surface, or cause any other person to do so."
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