
Dockrey Apartments

Maintainence Request Form 9809

Your maintainence request will be sent to the landlord and your area super, who carries supplies of most-needed items, and has contact numbers for local tradesmen.

Please Use this form mail for all maintenance contact.
Email must be forwarded to the responsible person, this will slow response.
Each field has a 'tool tip' hold the mouse over the entry area to see instructions for that field

This form is to be filled on-screen and sent to Dockrey Apartments.
Form, Instructions and control buttons do not print

Tenant name:


these must be the name, and email address of the lease, no other accepted

Please enter your maintainence problem
Permission to enter for repair
|   | |   Repairs often can not be done without entering
Text typed is retained even if it scrolls past the edges of any text box.
Confirmatory email will be sent to the email address above,
If email validation fails the maintainence request will not be sent to Dockrey Apartments.
Form will not submit if all required fields are not complete.
Dockrey Apartments maintains its properties fully and completely.
Requests will be acknowleged immediately.
Repairs of Health or safety items will be conducted immediately.
Repairs of non-urgent items as soon as possible within normal business practice.
No responsiblity can be taken for delays in the acquisition of replacement parts or by the tradespersons necessary to complete repairs, beyond our control

The IP, IMEI, and MAC addresses of the device used to fill applications are recorded: everyone is traceable
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