
Dockrey Apartments

Add/Remove Resident 9810

This form can be filled on-screen and sent to Dockrey Apartments,
Each field has a 'tool tip' hold the mouse over the entry area to see instructions for that field

To be completed by the current Tenant to add to, or remove from, the existing lease, a resident.
All persons living in the property require Landlord consent.
Unauthorised persons will be ordered from the property.

Tenancy details
Property :
Tenant :
Tenant Email :

these must be the name, and email address of the lease, no other accepted

New Resident Details
Full legal name :
*Driver License*:
*Smoker ? :
|   Smoking is prohibited in all Dockrey Apartments properties
Telephone :
Cell :
New Resident Next of Kin (NOK)
NOK name :
Relationship :
telephone :
New Resident Employment Details
Occupation :
Employer :
Telephone :
 Contact name:
Comments :
Property Rules :
The tenant acknowleges the new resident is bound by all conditions of the lease, the tenant is responsible for the resident.Property Rules
Text typed in entry boxes is retained even if it scrolls past the edges of any entry box.
Required fields must be completed.
The tenant of the property noted above will be contacted by Dockrey Apartments to confirm this application, ensure tenant details are correct.
Tenants please note;
New residents will be required to provide proof of ID, and
Tenants are responsible for the conduct of residents and guests
Best viewed in Landscape ≥1024*762 ©2005—2025 Dockrey Apartments