
Dockrey Apartments

Amherst 3 Blois St B4H 3H6

This older (100+) 3 bed timber home in the very center of Amherst, has enjoyed extensive updates & renovations. Complete replacement of the upper floor was required after a tenant fire:

Single oil tank and Separately metered for Nova Scotia Power, and wired for Eastlink cable tv, internet, telephone & Aliant telephone and FibreOp. Tenants need only contact Eastlink or Aliant & Nova Scotia Power to activate their service, and contact any of the regions fuel suppliers for oil. or receive a discount fuel offer from Ultramar Energy Ultramar Amherst 902 667 4333 or Ultramar Truro 902 893 2931
Reconstruction finished, Interiors complete and siding installed, the property delightful.
Area Superintendant, helps ensure a quick response to any problems that may arise,  
Please make any enquiry via our online Applications forms, at the buttons below, or
telephone (Office) 902 899 8394 telephone only, text sent to this number vanishes, is not received,

New leases @$1,600 per month

available ?: No

Dog owners are encouraged to apply in this pet friendly property

how it looks today
Building Services
Property Rules
Single Home tenant responsibilities.
  • The tenant is required to have current adequate tenant insurance, determined by Dockrey Apartments, at all times.
  • The tenant is responsible for all of their guests and visitors.
  • The tenant is responsible for snow removal of their own approaches
  • The tenant is responsible for lawn and garden care of the property.
  • The tenant is responsible for properly sorting garbage and recyclables and appropriately placing for collection
  • The tenant is responsible for payment of Fuel and Electricity charges.
garbage day (all) each second Tuesday

Town of Amherst
98 Victoria E. St. Amherst
Tel. 902 667 3352

County of Cumberland
1395 Blair Lake Rd Upper Nappan
Tel. 902 667 2313

Job Bank
waste sorting   Colchester solid waste Garbage Collection Calendar Insurance Library Lions local business NSCC Property Rules Schools Search Amherst Flyers Shop Highland Market Shop Kijiji Yellow pages
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